Dry Needling Treatment for Joint & Muscle Pain
Manisha Vilas Kudtarkar. Age – 47 years
About two years back I was diagnosed with chikungunya. For those of you who are unaware about it, fever and joint pain come on suddenly. Muscle pain, headache, fatigue and rash may also occur. In my case the fever came down quickly however, leaving behind joint and muscle pain. Getting up on my own was a difficult task. The joints of my knees, ankles, wrists, fists, shoulders had become stiff and extremely painful. Movements of any of the former mentioned would cause pain. There was significant amount of swelling in the joints.
We first consulted an MD physician and were prescribed some meds. They didn’t work so next we consulted an orthopaedic. He suggested it was a temporary form of arthritis. He assured it would lessen but there was improvement in my condition. Medication given by these two doctors would only provide temporary relief. No permanent cure. By now almost 2 months has passed with zero results After meeting with Dr. MANORAMA PATNAIK she thoroughly examined me for an hour and suggested the ‘Dry Needle therapy’. We were explained how the therapy would be conducted. I was called in for about 7-9 sittings for this. The doctor said results would show only after the third or fourth sitting. However, after the second one itself my pain was considerably reduced. Massage (to the areas of pain) and exercise was compulsorily recommended alongside. In each sitting the doctor used to insert medical needles in the areas of pain. Needless to say it was a bit painful therapy but the only one which cured me completely. It was a miracle. In no time I was up and about. No side effects have been experienced by me. Thanks to the good doctor, today I am capable of exercising regularly as well as taking dance lessons.
Joint or Muscle Pain?
Dry needling is a modern treatment designed to ease muscular or joint pain.
Contact Pain Management Specialists In Mumbai. 022 26515381
Dr. Mrs. Manorama P. Pattnaik – Chairperson and Chief Anesthesiologist cum Pain Specialist .