Complete Kidney Stone fragmentation by ESWL

What is Kidney stone fragmentation by ESWL?

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) uses shock waves to break a kidney stone into small pieces that can more easily travel through the urinary tract and pass from the body.

How does lithotripsy work?

ESWL uses shock waves to break down stones. During this procedure, a surgeon will use a machine called a lithotripter to aim sound waves directly at the stones through the body.

The sound waves break down the stones into small pieces. The waves only affect stones and will not harm muscle, bone, or skin.

Is shock wave lithotripsy painful?

You will be asleep and pain-free. High-energy shock waves, also called sound waves, guided by x-ray or ultrasound, will pass through your body until they hit the kidney stones. The waves break the stones into tiny pieces. The lithotripsy procedure should take about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Benefit of Kidney stone fragmentation by ESWL:

The main advantage of this treatment is that many patients may be treated for kidney stones without surgery. As a result, complications, hospital stays, costs and recovery time are reduced. 

What is the advantage of ESWL as compared to other stone treatments?

The primary advantage of ESWL is that it is completely non-invasive in that there are no skin incisions required or invasive instrumentations used to treat the stone.  Instead, the energy from shock waves is used to fragment the stone into smaller pieces that will then pass down the ureter and out the bladder.

Success Rate Of ESWL:

As with any medical procedure, your doctor can’t guarantee success. To give our patients the best chance at getting rid of stones, we select patients who are most likely to succeed before recommending ESWL.

Much of the research evaluating the effectiveness of ESWL was completed before CT scans were commonly used for stone disease. Therefore, it is difficult to compare older research with current research.

Get Rid of Kidney Stone Pain:

Dr. PattnaikĀ“s S.S. Urological Hospital is pioneers of Lithotripsy in India and we are a Full-Fledged’ Stone Management Center since 25 years. Click here to book your appointment now! or Call on: +91 022 26515381 / 022 26559426

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