Robotic Surgical System is a supercomputer with mechanical control over tiny surgical instruments. The robot has no autonomous function. Every movement of the robot arms is controlled by the surgeon Conventional laparoscopy is limited to two dimensional visions. The Robotic telescope is actually composed of 2 lenses, slightly separated to give different perspectives of the same field. This creates a 3D, or stereoscopic, image which mimics our natural experience.
One of the most innovative treatments for prostate cancer is robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy – removal of the prostate gland. SS Hospital is a leader in performing this minimally invasive, high-tech treatment of medical procedure. Robotic prostatectomy offers similar and often better outcomes than traditional prostate cancer surgery. In addition, by using the robotic technique there is greater nerve sparing resulting in less chance of erectile dysfunction (ED) and urinary discontinence.
Robotic cystectomy is simply a newer, more effective, minimally invasive surgical method for bladder cancer. This procedure utilizes the da Vinci Surgical System in which a robotic arm imitates the surgeon’s movements, amplifying their precision.
Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy uses a minimally invasive approach (laparoscopy) to perform exactly the same procedure that is done in open partial nephrectomy. In any partial nephrectomy (open or laparoscopic), the kidney cancer is removed with a small amount of normal tissue around it. The normal tissue around the cancer that is removed is known as the margin, and this tissue serves to assure that no cancer is left in the body.
Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty is a Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic procedure which relieves the obstruction between the ureter and the kidney at the ureteropelvic junction (UPJ). Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty relieves the obstruction in the upper part (renal pelvis) of the ureter.
In some cases baby boys are born with one or both testicles inside the abdomen or groin, rather than in the scrotum. This is called undescended testicles . Orchiopexy is a surgery to lower the testicles into the scrotum. The scrotum is the external sac that holds the testicles.
A decade ago laparoscopic technology revolutionized the field of surgery, creating a new generation of minimally invasive procedures. At S.S. Hospital, Dr. Pattnaik has taken that technology one step further.
S.S. Hospital is the first in the India to use the Intuitive Surgical's da Vinci â„¢ Robotic Surgery. This procedure revolutionizes kidney treatment, taking an open procedure to an advanced form of laparoscopic surgery.
"Robot-assisted technology is a remarkable surgical tool. It's an advanced form of laparoscopic surgery that allows us to do precision work with less trauma to the patient," states Dr. Prasant Pattnaik.
Utilizing the da Vinci Surgical System, the surgeon sits in a console a few feet from the patient and views the surgical site through a high-definition 3D viewer. A laparoscopic camera and robotic probes (arms) are inserted into the patient through four half-inch incisions. The surgeon uses hand controls and foot pedals to manipulate the robotic arms. These pencil-sized probes translate the surgeon's hand movements and adjust themselves to compensate for the natural tremor of the human hand.
The end of the robotic arm articulates 360 degrees, affording complete range of movement. "It gives us much greater dexterity and range of motion, more so than the human wrist. "Therefore, when we operate we greatly reduce the amount of tissue damage. With robotics, the implantation requires a 5 cm incision which is just large enough to introduce the kidney into the recipient’s body. It is approximately one-third the size of a conventional “open†transplant incision.
For the patient, robot-assisted surgery is safe, minimally invasive and offers faster recovery time. Patients usually leave the hospital within a day or two and resume normal activity shortly thereafter.
Dr. Pattnaik hopes that this new technology and the ease with which kidneys can be removed will encourage more people to become living donors. Several thousand people in India and abroad are waiting for a kidney transplant. Many have to wait three to five years before they find a match. A shortage of living donors is one reason for the long wait.
Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is surgery to remove a part of your kidney. When the part of your kidney that is diseased or damaged is removed, healthy parts of your kidney are able to keep working. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs found under the ribs on each side of the upper abdomen. Their job is to remove wastes and other unwanted chemicals from the body. These wastes are flushed from your body in your urine. On top of each kidney is an adrenal gland, which is an organ that makes hormones. Hormones are special substances that control some functions of your body. The adrenal gland and other tissues may be removed during this surgery.
You may need a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy when your kidney is damaged. This may be caused by blocked blood vessels, kidney stones, infection, or kidney cancer. These conditions decrease your kidney's ability to control blood pressure and remove wastes from your body. With this surgery, your kidney problem may be treated, preventing more kidney damage.
Activity: You may need to walk around the same day of surgery, or the day after. Movement will help prevent blood clots. You may also be given exercises to do in bed. Do not get out of bed on your own until your caregiver says you can. Talk to caregivers before you get up the first time. They may need to help you stand up safely. When you are able to get up on your own, sit or lie down right away if you feel weak or dizzy. Then press the call light button to let caregivers know you need help.
Food and drink after surgery: You will be able to drink liquids and eat certain foods once your stomach function returns after surgery. You may be given ice chips at first. Then you will get liquids such as water, broth, juice, and clear soft drinks. If your stomach does not become upset, you may then be given soft foods, such as ice cream and applesauce. Once you can eat soft foods easily, you may slowly begin to eat solid foods.
Drains: These are thin rubber tubes put into your skin to drain fluid from around your incision. The drains are taken out when the incision stops draining.
Medicines: You may be given the following medicines: